C2 meeting Finland
| Presentation of our school and meeting the headmaster Simo Veistola and vice headmaster Taina Kemppi
| Working in international groups/ Escape room on climate change
| Présentation of the work by the different delegations
Présentation des élèves Belges / Presentation of the Belgian students
Présentation des élèves lettons / Presentation of the latvia students
Présentation des élèves Francais / Presentation of the France students
Présentation des élèves finlandais / Presentation of the Finland students
Presentation des élèves polynesiens
| Videoconference with our French and Polynesian partners
| Presentation of the field of logistics in Forssa Vocational Institute
| Forssa Town Hall, meeting the Mayor of Forssa
| Turku, Forum Marinum and Vartiovuori and Castle
| work in multicultural groups
| Kiimassuo
| Eerikkilä Sport and Outdoor Resort
| Questions à nos parlementaires / Questions for our parliamentarians