House -neighbourhood - city

Groupe 1- 4 - 7 : House

Quelles solutions pour adapter la maison au réchauffement climatique ?

1-Discutez de cette problématique entre partenaires européens

2-Réalisez à travers ce pad une synthèse commune présentant les mesures, solutions, aménagements, permettant d'adapter la maison au réchauffement climatique

What solutions to adapt the house to global warming?

1-Discuss this issue between European partners

2-Use this pad to create a common summary presenting the measures, solutions, arrangements, allowing the house to adapt to global warming

France :

1- In terms of heating, place a products with renevable energy. Like solar heating, wood heating or heat pumps. There are several very reliable heating equipments. Its better to get the natural energy in the air, the sun, the floor, or the forests.

2- Reduce toxic cleaning products and use less poluluting ones.

3- Have a good insulation.

4 - Selectively sort and create a compost.

5- Build houses with local and renevable materials.

6 - Produce your own food.


1 Isolated its roofs

2 useful comfort for the climate

3 unplug electrical devices if they are not in use

4 insulate the ground

5 ventilate your home

6 avoid carpets

7 sort the packaging

8 sort the waste

9 isolate your home

10 eat local

11 install solar panel

12 build from natural materials

13 use geothermal energy

14 use natural fertilizers and pesticides for the garden

15 eat seasonal food

16 work should use as little energy as possible

17 do not put the heating too strong


If possible use low-tech solutions for drying your clothes, for example.

Use energy saving devices, like, LED lights

Take into the account the orientation of your house so that the Sun can shine in for most of the day.


1- plant trees to make shaddow in the house

2- aerate the house by :

- raising the roof

- making big windows

- install windows oriented towards the prevailling winds

3- orient the house to the South (to constantly have the sun light)

4- make vegetal grounds, walls and roofs; for exemple here in Tahiti we use the pae'ore recover our house)

5- make compost

6 eat local food and don't import or at least reduce our imports

5 idées retenues :

Reduce toxic cleaning products and use less poluluting ones.

Build houses with local and renevable materials.

Produce your own food.

orient the house to the South (to constantly have the sun light)

make vegetal grounds, walls and roofs; for exemple here in Tahiti we use the pae'ore recover our house)


French polynesia

We can have some greenhouse in which we can grow our vegetables and fruits and it means we don’t need to buy them in plastic bags.


We can turn off the lights when the sun is shining so we don't waste electricity & we can dry our clothes outside instead of a drying machine.


- We can put some electric columns to stimolate the utilisation of electric cars and bikes.

- We do the separate collection to recycle all the garbage and turn it into a recycled object.


Saving electricity (turning off lights when youŗe not using them, low-tech solutions)

Think of how your house and windows are positioned towards the sun.

saving water by closing the tap while we shower or when we brush our teeths

Save rain water and use it when watering plants / washing your car.

Recycling clothes and furniture and not buying new ones all the time

Walk or cycle to school or work

insulate your house

we can speek slowly.

produce our own electricity with solar panel

To reduce CO2 emissions, it is advisable to insulate your homes.

Stop pollution, selective sorting, recycling.

Preserve the earth's resources, avoid dishwashers, use the shower instead of a bath.

To reduce greenhouse gas, you have to have solar panels.

Groupe 2 - 5 - 8: neighbourhood

Quelles solutions pour adapter le quartier au réchauffement climatique ?

1-Discutez de cette problématique entre partenaires européens

2-Réalisez à travers ce pad une synthèse commune présentant les mesures, solutions, aménagements, permettant d'adapter le quartier au réchauffement climatique

What solutions to adapt the neighborhood to global warming?

1-Discuss this issue between European partners

2-Use this pad to create a common summary presenting the measures, solutions and arrangements, allowing the neighborhood to adapt to global warming

privilégier les commerces de proximité pour limiter les déplacements en voiture et engin polluant

mettre pas mal d'allée piétonne

limiter la circulation de voiture

-Ajouter des panneaux solaires

-Mettre des poubelles dans les rues pour trier les déchets

-Ajouter des pistes cyclables

-Planter plus d'arbres et de verdures le long des routes

-Laisser l'autorisation à rentrer dans certains quartiers à seulement des voitures électriques ou eco-responsables comme certains quartiers de Paris...

-Éteindre les lampadaires pendant la nuit


économiser l’espace, l’énergie, les matériaux, et favoriser la biodiversité et les déplacements doux.

save space, energy, materials, and promote biodiversity and soft travel.

Déplacement doux = velo, à pieds, trotinette…

Soft movement = bike, on foot, scooter ...

Favoriser la biodiversité = planter des arbres, des plantes, faires des petits parcs...

Promoting biodiversity = planting trees, plants, making small parks ...

Economiser les matériaux = utiliser des materiaux durables, des materiaux recyclé, ne pas utiliser de materiaux inutiles

Save materials = use sustainable materials, recycled materials, do not use unnecessary materials

Econmiser l’energie = groupement de panneaux solaire partagé dans le quartier et petites éoliennes

Save energy = group of solar panels shared in the neighborhood and small wind turbines

Using car tires to make public playgrounds.

Plant trees throughout neighborhoods.


cars prohibited in the neighbourhoods

plant trees and create small parks

movement detection lamp posts to help save energy

instalation of solar panels and windturbines for the production of energy


au moins un espace vert dans chaque quartier où on peut planter des fleurs et des arbres; at least one green area in where you can plant flowers and trees

des places pour recharger les voitures et les vélos électriques pour favoriser leur diffusion; places for recharging cars and electric bicycles to facilitate their diffusion

mettre des poubelles dans différentes parties du quartier; put waste bins in various areas of the neighborhood


We should reuse ♻️ materials and make new things from old materials.

We need more plants, trees and green areas.

Remplace the hybrid or electric vehicles for less pollution.

Buy local and produce local.

A waste reduction competition

A collective vermicomposter

A Neighbourly Barter Day

A drop-off and donation corner

A shared vegetable garden

Groupe 3- 6 - 9: City

Quelles solutions pour adapter la ville au réchauffement climatique ?

1-Discutez de cette problématique entre partenaires européens

2-Réalisez à travers ce pad une synthèse commune présentant les mesures, solutions, aménagements, permettant d'adapter la ville au réchauffement climatique

What solutions to adapt the city to global warming?

1-Discuss this issue between European partners

2-Use this pad to create a common summary presenting the measures, solutions, and improvements, allowing the city to adapt to global warming

French proposition from lycee Couzinet

Do not emit carbon. (avoid cars, favor bicycles and public transport)

-Offer collective and non-polluting transport. (electric bus, tram, electric car, cart)

-Manage water sustainably. (for the plant)

-Recycle all waste. (Sorting bins, compost)

-Build a habitat made of local materials and energy recovery. (solar panel)

Ideas of french polynesia

-install the buildings facing the air (we have lots of air here)

-put a lot of plants in the buildings and around them to have a more natural ventilation(to avoid using too much air conditioners)

Ideas of Finland

-increase public transportation (busses, trains instead of cars)

-more solar panels and greenery on roofs

Ideas of Latvia

-Introduction of greener energy.

-Making cities greener by planting trees.

-Bigger support for electric cars

Ideas of Italy

-increase parks in urban areas

-try to use more public transports

-use more solar pannels gor electricity

-make more trash can availables on the streets

ideas of lenny and walter

-Il faudrait bannir l’utilisation de voiture pour les petits trajets et privilégier le vélo

- moins de plastique et plus de papier

- éviter les gaz a effet de serre

- sensibiliser la population concernant les déchets jeter par terre

en anglais

- ban the use of cars for short trips and favor cycling.

- Less plastic and more paper.

- reduce gas emissions

- raised awareness among the population about stopping throwing cigarette butts on the ground.


Masdar city project:

Nous devons réduire drastiquement les émissions de CO2, arrêter la déforestation, réduire les déchets et diminuer l'utilisation du plastique: tels sont les objectifs fixés à l'ordre du jour par tous les États du monde.

  • Réutiliser

  • Recycler

  • Réduire

Ce sont les 3 mots de base pour soigner notre ville. Pour recycler nous faisons la collecte sélective avec le plastique, le verre et le papier. En effet nous empêchons la production de déchets et leur dangerosité. En plus nous favorisons une des ressources naturelles.

we found that from an ecological point of view, our cities are not well organized. For example there are not many electric means of transport, and not all of them do separate collection, and there are no eco-friendly structures.

So our proposal was:

Promote the installation of ecological structures in our cities.

Invite people to do more separate collection.

Use more electrical means of transport.

we found that from an ecological point of view, our cities are not well organized. For example there are not many electric means of transport, and not all of them do separate collection, and there are no eco-friendly structures

So our proposal was to promote that in our cities and try to install them. We can also invite people to do more separate collection, or use more electrical means of transport.

save space, energy, materials, and promote biodiversity and soft travel.

-Promoting biodiversity = planting trees, plants, making small parks ...

-Save materials = use sustainable materials, recycled materials, do not use unnecessary materials

-Save energy = group of solar panels shared in the neighborhood and small wind turbines

-Saving recouses = taking shorter showers and turning of the light when leaving room.

-education = teaching the neighbourhood kids how to live a more environmentally friendly life. Also the adults!

-events concidering the matter = for the education and like second hand shopping in the neighbourhood. Can also improve the team spirit in the neighbourhood.

- transport = limit the circulation of polluting motor vehicles

-Another point of transport = better public transportation and moving by walking or bicycyle

-Tree planting = Trees are necessary for us to survive.They give oxygen, clean the air, provide shelter to wildlife, prevent soil erosion.

-Water conserving=Conserving water reduces the amount of energy that is needed to filter it.

-Reducing the use of harmful chemicals=Reduces air and water pollution because the chemicals like paint, oil, ammonia, and other chemical solutions are hazardous and, when disposed of openly, can cause pollution in the air and the water.

-Choose zero-mile products:Very important to buy local products and try to buy as few products as possible from abroad.

-Unplug inactive appliances:In order to help the environment it is also very important to waste little energy. That's why you should remember to unplug a household appliance when you are not using it!

-Reuse plastic containers: Plastic pollutes a lot the seas and our environment, so you can transfer food in these containers to avoid destroying our planet.

-Choose natural fabrics: Not all textiles are natural, some can harm the environment and health. Fabrics that require fewer chemicals are, for example, wool, silk and organic cotton.


-Weatherize houses

-Reuse wastewater where possible

Offer a recycling center

-A project for a new sort of economic air conditioner


France :

-Recycle all waste. (Sorting bins, compost) (recycler les déchets)

-Build a habitat made of local materials and energy recovery. (solar panel) (Construire un habitat constitué de matériaux locaux et récupérateur d'énergie)

Belgium :

- Switching off street lights at night and also shop windows (Eteindre les lampadaires et vitrines de magasins pendant la nuit)

- Make certain areas of the city center pedestrianised to reduce pollution (Rendre certaines zones du centre ville piétonnière pour réduire la pollution)

- Development of green spaces (Développer les espaces verts)

- The creation and construcution of cycle paths should be promoted to encourage cycling (Créer et construire des pistes cyclables pour encourager à se déplacer en vélo )

- Better managment in the environment and transports sectors (Améliorer la gestion dans les secteurs de l'environnement et des transports)


-Use greener energy/solar panels

-Introduce water filtration system that would clean the polluted water

-Make more laws to fight against the waste


--We could reduce air pollution by changing our lifestyle in little things, such us going cycling/walking/with public transports instead of with your own car

-Encourage the use of solar energy through laws that give aid to those who want to install photovoltaic or solar panels in their homes.